"The bourgeoisie is unable to rule because it is unable of ensuring the existence of its slave within the framework of its slavery. The bourgeoisie produces above all its own gravediggers. The fall and victory of the proletariat is also inevitable". And therefore, "the Communist Party has no other objective than to assist the proletariat to organize itself to precipitate this fall". And so, the long-awaited moment came for the two authors Marx and Engels to present the Communist Party; hence the title of the book: "Manifesto of the Communist Party". It is this ideology that led throughout the XX century, that which I designate by expression "European communism", which was basically only a utopia, not because of its unattainable objectives, but because of the rigidity of its formulation. Chinese communism is quite different. It is a communism that is born stimulated by the injustice and humiliation of French, British and American colonial apartheid against all the Chinese people in their own land.
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